Hey there! Welcome to my site. You arrived here for a reason – possibly because you are searching for something more in your life, and at the same time, the clarity of that “something more” escapes you. Typically, when someone arrives in my purview I know they are ready for a quantum shift. The time is NOW for you to say “yes” to the life you’ve always wanted, and more importantly, to doing the inner work required to help you get there!
Christie Woods
Integrated Relationship Coach, Intuitive Empath, Reiki Master Healer
Christie Woods
Integrated Relationship Coach, Intuitive Empath, Reiki Master Healer
Hey there! Welcome to my site. You arrived here for a reason – possibly because you are searching for something more in your life, and at the same time, the clarity of that “something more” escapes you. Typically, when someone arrives in my purview I know they are ready for a quantum shift. The time is NOW for you to say “yes” to the life you’ve always wanted, and more importantly, to doing the inner work required to help you get there!
As an Integrated Sex, Love & Relationship Coach, I use my intuitive abilities and various energetic healing tools to help process past trauma stuck in the body, which can often keep one in a constant loop of mediocre (or worse, toxic!) relationships and/or experiences. I combine traditional “top down” talk therapy with a more somatic “bottom up” approach utilizing various types of breath-work, sound healing, meditation, and reiki. During our time together we will explore all aspects of the self; both light and dark, therefore expanding awareness of Who-You-Really-Are.
I’ll encourage going deep within, and invite you to reclaim your sovereignty by reconnecting with the felt sense of the body, realizing its connection to the brain, in order to uncover or simply release belief systems and thought patterns no longer serving your best and highest good.
In case you’re wondering, I haven’t always had access to my own ability to feel love and create freely; in fact, I was riddled with anxiety and depression for years. My relationship with Colin, my life partner, had its extreme ups and downs and my career in sales and marketing, while financially rewarding, was energetically depleting and at times down right soul-sucking. I tried everything to improve my life, believing that changing my external circumstances would help me feel happier inside. Nothing worked. My life felt like a constant uphill battle. However, once I shifted my attention away from trying to ‘fix’ or ‘please’ everyone and everything outside myself, and instead started focusing on my own internal emotional guidance system, I began to go more with “the flow of life” and thus became a magnet to the people, places and things more vibrationally resonant with who I really AM.
So, how did I get from where I was then to where I am now, and more importantly, how does that apply to you? Through various healing modalities, including: breathwork, meditation, yoga, tantra, neuro-feedback, plant medicine, psychedelics, reiki, sound healing, ecstatic dance, and a high vibrational diet – I began a journey of healing which consisted primarily of getting back in touch with my body and processing the emotional residue left over from childhood trauma. As a bonus, I realized the universe is made up entirely of energy, and that we are all vibrational beings emitting an energetic frequency that quite literally creates our lived reality. Unfortunately, when we have dense energetic residue stuck in the body, left over from past trauma, these areas block the flow of our life force energy. To grow and expand your full human potential you’ll want to clean up the vibration you emit (emotional baggage and old out-of-date thought patterns) in order to become deliberate with your creations (aka: your life!!).
Right now, you have within you the ability to attract your perfect partner, create your ideal body, become a more empowered parent to your children, and magnetize success and abundance in every aspect of your life. You can count on me to be real and transparent. I’ll share with you the obstacles in my own life; and what I have done, and continue to do, in order to transform them. I invite you to accept my invitation toward greater self-discovery and personal empowerment. I promise you will be amazed and inspired by the human being that is YOU.